GDT on TORn Message Board
2009.04.30. 12:33

"Pete and I have developed a very dry humorous rapport that I enjoy immensely, we actually make a few jokes that don't translate well in print- since we did the interview via video cam I wa shoping that video would have been posted. Anyway- there are more ways to tie the two storylines than the speculation on the boards may indicate. We believe so and we believe that the story is blooming beautifully. Of course, some will agree and some will not- nevertheless progress is now steady and I see the films shape up every day. WETA afternoons are a delight, Mike Mignola leaves this week and Wayne Barlowe arrives in two weeks along with other "guest artists". Writing and designing in this peaceful Sanctuary remains the most pleasant experience of my creative life. True bliss. I started painting model kits on the weekends again after almost a decade- thanks to Pete's ultra-generous gift of a complete model painting set up much like the one I have in LA, or even better, I might add. We get along quite fabulous and I only wish (as always) that more revelations could be made since we DO have massive exciting news in the near future but I cannot promise deadlines for them anymore. I wish everyone could see the concept art, the key frames and scale models that I have had the privilege and joy of developing with our craftsmen and artists. We hope that the movies will be as beautiful and unique as you may expect. Great adventures ahead- "
"But I try not to read the speculative threads AT ALL. I read the ones regarding news and revelations because I like to chime in with nuggets and ideas, etc but no- I dont read the others- wisdom prevails.
Ardent defenders of every polar opposites can be found in any given forum so, its best not to dwell- we have enough debates amongst ourselves, giving birth to many a great spontaneous, scholarly and passionate simposium.
In the incoming weeks we will explore a lot of ideas and technical possibilities. I will let you in on a few if I can find the time. For now, back to writing-
Much Peace "
Ardent defenders of every polar opposites can be found in any given forum so, its best not to dwell- we have enough debates amongst ourselves, giving birth to many a great spontaneous, scholarly and passionate simposium.
In the incoming weeks we will explore a lot of ideas and technical possibilities. I will let you in on a few if I can find the time. For now, back to writing-
Much Peace "
"We have designed the general look of the Mirkwood Elves, about 85-90% of the Monsters and creatures, well into armours and weapons and mounts and special WAR BEASTS, a little- not much- of Architecture (that amps up in the next 3/4 weeks) and over 100 pieces of painted key art defining the look and color etc and it does make you heart go bump-bump-
Smaug is on the way but taking longer to solve due to what we are doing with the body and shape and solving the speech stuff- and i am writing BIOGRAPHIES on the side- for each of the key characters. For those curious about them they can check the bios written for the HELLBOY characters in written form or the comic versions (shorter) drawn by Rick Geary."
Smaug is on the way but taking longer to solve due to what we are doing with the body and shape and solving the speech stuff- and i am writing BIOGRAPHIES on the side- for each of the key characters. For those curious about them they can check the bios written for the HELLBOY characters in written form or the comic versions (shorter) drawn by Rick Geary."
"Concept art Is one of the tools a director has to conform and convey a common goal to all creative teams (wardrobe, production design, etc) and it is the director's first instinct that starts shaping that material.
Out of the wide variety of interpretations of Middle Earth (Ian Miller, the Hilderbrandts, Nasmith) it was Peter's choice that gathered lee and Howe and it was his instinct that guide what and how they blended into the fabric of the film's cinematography, production design, wardrobe etc
As an example- on the Elves of HELLBOY II I kicked off their general design (see my sketchbook pages on the ART OF HELLBOY II book)- pale skin, engraved, golden eyes and tinted hair tips, etc but they were sculpted by Mitch Devane at Spectral Motion and the Armour (which I originally thought of for another project) was designed and executed by Sammy Sheldon but we had to solve a lot of technical problems when lighting him- allow me to elaborate: In a scene where you have a RED character, standing next to a WHITE CHARACTER (I mean albino white) and a DARK METAL character (Johann) you need to have almost 3 different lightning set ups to allow for the wild variety of readings between those skins- there's sometimes a FULL TOP variation in exposure between those skin toes... So, there- Its impossible to anticipate form the outside what each element is going to bring to the final result but it is the director's job to modulate all of this into a "world" that has visual unity. For you amusement and speculation I submit, however, that Mike was involved in visualization of some Goblin stuff and varied ideas for the Dwarves. We are still in process and the ideas that I asked him to "run with" may change in time but his DNA is now fused with the rest of the gang (John Howe and him got along famously) and is part of the natural change of flavour that will occur between the LOTR and THE HOBBIT.
But, yes, Alan and John are of course involved but so is Mike, Barlowe, Oscar Chichoni (see the book MEKANIKA), Francisco Ruiz Velasco, WETA, Spectral Motion- don't drive yourselves mad guessing what each of them brings on board. As a director you're not always playing to the designer's most obvious sensibilities.
Mignola's presence, as always, re-energized the team and inspired us all. In my opinion, he is a Titan amongst comic book artists but also a mind of spectacular range.
A good idea is for you to get the ART OF books of HELLBOY and HELLBOY II and see the wide variety of styles that were involved, the notes in my sketchbook that started the ideas and how they ended up on screen. Its a very interesting process.
For Chichoni, MEKANIKA and for Francisco Ruiz velasco the ART OF books or the (very irreverent and somewhat piquant steampunk) short film A GENTLEMAN'S DUEL which he co-designed and co-directed.
And then... you still will have to guess what each one will do ;) "
Out of the wide variety of interpretations of Middle Earth (Ian Miller, the Hilderbrandts, Nasmith) it was Peter's choice that gathered lee and Howe and it was his instinct that guide what and how they blended into the fabric of the film's cinematography, production design, wardrobe etc
As an example- on the Elves of HELLBOY II I kicked off their general design (see my sketchbook pages on the ART OF HELLBOY II book)- pale skin, engraved, golden eyes and tinted hair tips, etc but they were sculpted by Mitch Devane at Spectral Motion and the Armour (which I originally thought of for another project) was designed and executed by Sammy Sheldon but we had to solve a lot of technical problems when lighting him- allow me to elaborate: In a scene where you have a RED character, standing next to a WHITE CHARACTER (I mean albino white) and a DARK METAL character (Johann) you need to have almost 3 different lightning set ups to allow for the wild variety of readings between those skins- there's sometimes a FULL TOP variation in exposure between those skin toes... So, there- Its impossible to anticipate form the outside what each element is going to bring to the final result but it is the director's job to modulate all of this into a "world" that has visual unity. For you amusement and speculation I submit, however, that Mike was involved in visualization of some Goblin stuff and varied ideas for the Dwarves. We are still in process and the ideas that I asked him to "run with" may change in time but his DNA is now fused with the rest of the gang (John Howe and him got along famously) and is part of the natural change of flavour that will occur between the LOTR and THE HOBBIT.
But, yes, Alan and John are of course involved but so is Mike, Barlowe, Oscar Chichoni (see the book MEKANIKA), Francisco Ruiz Velasco, WETA, Spectral Motion- don't drive yourselves mad guessing what each of them brings on board. As a director you're not always playing to the designer's most obvious sensibilities.
Mignola's presence, as always, re-energized the team and inspired us all. In my opinion, he is a Titan amongst comic book artists but also a mind of spectacular range.
A good idea is for you to get the ART OF books of HELLBOY and HELLBOY II and see the wide variety of styles that were involved, the notes in my sketchbook that started the ideas and how they ended up on screen. Its a very interesting process.
For Chichoni, MEKANIKA and for Francisco Ruiz velasco the ART OF books or the (very irreverent and somewhat piquant steampunk) short film A GENTLEMAN'S DUEL which he co-designed and co-directed.
And then... you still will have to guess what each one will do ;) "
"Mirkwood Elves you may like... soon we will see... "
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